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Department of General dentistry, 2department of pediatric dentistry State educational institution of additional professional education “Saint-Petersburg medical Academy of postgraduate education”, 191015, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation The aim of this study was to investigate the condition of the engine, chewing and secretory component of the maxillofacial region (MR) in children with anomalies of dentition functional origin in the early period of replacement of the bite. Took part in the survey of 158 patients (average age of 7.6 ± 1.3years). As a result of studies it is established, that for children who have dentoalveolar anomalies functional origin with a predominance of hypokinetic syndrome is characterised by low functional activity of masticatory muscles, reducing blood flow in the pulp permanent molars, low resistance of enamel molars, low speed salivation and high viscosity of the oral fluid. For children who have dentoalveolar anomalies functional origin with a predominance of hyperkinetic syndrome are characterized by the following signs: high functional activity of masticatory muscles, low level of regulation of blood circulation in the pulp permanent molars, low resistance of enamel, high speed salivation with high viscosity oral fluid. Thus, in children with anomalies of dentition functional origin morphofunctional the state of the elements of the maxillofacial area depends on the kinetic activity of a functional system. Consequently, the approaches to prevention and treatment of main dental diseases need to be different and take into account the state of the functional system of the maxillofacial region.

About the authors

Alexey Viktorovich Silin

ГОУ ДПО «Санкт-Петербургская медицинская академия последипломного образования»

Кафедра стоматологии общей практики

Elena Alexandrovna Catygo

ГОУ ДПО «Санкт-Петербургская медицинская академия последипломного образования»

кафедра детской стоматологии


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