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The article is devoted to pathophysiological analysis of the identified effects of the local anti-inflammatory therapy and gliclazid in modulating effects on the main pathogenetic links of periodontal disease and diabetes, which leads to a reduction of inflammatory reactions through the ability to regulate carbohydrate metabolism and all subsequent violated homeostatic parameters in the body. It is shown that this type of therapy helps to maintain a high level of anti-inflammatory cytokines and curb the synthesis of proinflammatory in the treatment of periodontal pathology, complications of diabetic disorders.

About the authors

F. Yu Daurova

Russian University of peoples friendship; «Ogarev Mordovia State University»; Republican stomatological polyclinic, Saransk

Dzera Kimovna L’yanova

Russian University of peoples friendship; «Ogarev Mordovia State University»; Republican stomatological polyclinic, Saransk


G. A Drozdova Galina

Russian University of peoples friendship; «Ogarev Mordovia State University»; Republican stomatological polyclinic, Saransk

T. V Tarasova

Russian University of peoples friendship; «Ogarev Mordovia State University»; Republican stomatological polyclinic, Saransk

V. A Prytkov

Russian University of peoples friendship; «Ogarev Mordovia State University»; Republican stomatological polyclinic, Saransk

A. A Kul’chenko

Russian University of peoples friendship; «Ogarev Mordovia State University»; Republican stomatological polyclinic, Saransk


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