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At present, the health providers of different levels show serious concern about the health state of different groups of the young population, such as senior schoolchildren, university students, and young specialists starting their life journey and professional career. We believe that this concern arises not only from poor heredity, environmental degradation and low standards of living but also from the ever increasing consumption of nicotine, alcohol, drugs, and other harmful substances that are currently readily available to the young people. An important role in the popularization of such lifestile is played by television and outdoor advertising. We can not influence these factors but can not stand aside either. The improvement of the health status of the youth is currently more than just a mere slogan - it is actually a challenging social and medical problem.

About the authors

V. B Luk’yanenko

Украинская медицинская стоматологическая академия

Кафедра последипломного образования врачей стоматологов-ортопедов ВГУЗУ, стоматолог-терапевт

N. V Tsvetkova

Украинская медицинская стоматологическая академия

Кафедра последипломного образования врачей стоматологов-ортопедов ВГУЗУ

A. N Davidenko

Украинская медицинская стоматологическая академия

Кафедра последипломного образования врачей стоматологов-ортопедов ВГУЗУ


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