Computed analysis of minor salivary gland sialograms

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The authors have elaborated a Sialodiagnostik-MSZh computer program for the analysis of minor salivary gland digital sialograms that makes it possible to effectively determine the functional activity of these glands. It is concluded that the new software extends the area of potential applications of the digital sialometric technique and may serve as a prototype of analogous methods for future studies.

About the authors

V V Afanas'ev


Кафедра челюстно-лицевой травматологии и лучевой диагностики; МГМСУ

A Yu Vasil'ev


Кафедра челюстно-лицевой травматологии и лучевой диагностики; МГМСУ

Aleksey Yur'evich Shorikov


Кафедра челюстно-лицевой травматологии и лучевой диагностики- аспирант, 8(495) 954-65-25; МГМСУ

V V Afanasiev

A Yu Vasiliev

A Yu Shorikov


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