Ways to solve the problem of pathogenic mineral formation in the salivary glands and kidneys

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Exact reasons for forming salivary and kidney stones are unknown. There may be the same reasons why stones in salivary glands and kidneys are formed, so the same principles may be applied to treat these diseases. The aim of the investigation was to study a possibility of a combination of sialolithiasis and nephrolithiasis, and assess the efficacy of common treatment of these pathologies. The researchers examined 72 patients with sialolithiasis and 25 patients with nephrolithiasis. Forty-three per sent of patients with salivary gland stones were found to have kidney stones as well. Besides, the mineral composition of salivary and kidney stones was similar. So the authors recommend conservative and preventive treatment of salivary gland stones with methods used to treat kidney stones. The use of a complex of pharmaceuticals proposed by the authors improves results of treatment.

About the authors

V I Semennikov

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра хирургической стоматологии; Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

I N Chechina

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра хирургической стоматологии; Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

A I Neymark

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра хирургической стоматологии; Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

O A Golovanova

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

Кафедра хирургической стоматологии; Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

L V Bel'skaya

Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

кафедра урологии и нефрологии; Алтайский государственный медицинский университет

V I Semennikov

I N Chechina

A I Neymark

O A Golovanova

L V Belskaya


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