Pathological changes and some clinico-morphological correlations in patients with chronic odontogenic sinusitis

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A clinico-morphological study of 31 resection biopsy samples of the maxillary sinus and maxillary bony tissue taken from 30 patients was carried out; the character of pathological changes was defined; correlations between clinical, laboratory, and morphological parameters in chronic odontogenic sinusitis were defined after there alternative qualitative quantification. Pathological changes in the epithelium and mucosal glands consisted in necrotic, desquamative, and hyperplastic processes accompanied by gland hypersecretion. The activity and prevalence of sinus tissue inflammation varied between exudative inflammation of different degrees of activity (from serous to fibrinous-purulent) and productive-infiltrative one; the degree of fibrosis of the proper plate of the mucosa varied as well. The strongest associations were between the following morphological parameters: "the degree of epithelium changes" and "goblet cell hypersecretion" (positive correlation), and "the degree of mucosal edema" and "the kind of exudative inflammation" (negative correlation). Moderate associations were between separate clinical, laboratory, and morphological parameters characterizing symptoms of the disease and the condition of pathological processes.

About the authors

Vladislav Aleksandrovich Malanchuk

Национальный медицинский университет им. А. А. Богомольца

профессор, президент Украинской ассоциации черепно-челюстно-лицевых хирургов; Национальный медицинский университет им. А. А. Богомольца

V V Grigorovskiy

ГУ Институт травматологии и ортопедии АМН Украины

ГУ Институт травматологии и ортопедии АМН Украины

- Izadkhakh Farshad

Национальный медицинский университет им. А. А. Богомольца

Национальный медицинский университет им. А. А. Богомольца

V A Malanchuk

V V Grigorovsky

- Izadhah Farshad


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