Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of autotransplantation of teeth

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BACKGROUND: The successful technique of autotransplantation of wisdom teeth as an additional method of restoring dentition in patients with impending removal of the first or second molars is relevant.

AIM: To assess the effectiveness of autotransplantation of wisdom teeth instead of an extracted tooth (first or second molars).

METHODS: The study analyzed 30 patients aged 22–38 years who were treated at the Ryazan Regional Clinical Hospital (Department of Maxillofacial Surgery) and Prime Dental Clinic LLC between January 2016 and August 2022 and underwent autotransplantation of a tooth. We evaluated the mobility of the replanted teeth, nociceptive sensitivity, depth of the dentoalveolar furrow, and computed tomography (CT) results. To assess the effectiveness of the technique, the Periotest M device, periodontal chart, and photoprotocol were used.

RESULTS: During the study, the survival rate of the replanted teeth was 100%. The depth of the dentoalveolar furrow reached normal values in 93% of clinical cases and mobility within normal limits in 87% of cases. On CT, no signs of ankylosis and inflammation of bone tissue in the area of the transplanted teeth were observed in all the studied patients.

CONCLUSION: Autotransplantation of a tooth is an effective and well-predicted technique that allows restoring the integrity of the dentition in patients indicated for the removal of the first or second molars.

About the authors

Filipp V. Dulov

Ryazan Regional Clinical Hospital; Prime Dental Clinic

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6753-271X
SPIN-code: 8795-6818
Russian Federation, Ryazan; Ryazan

Roman B. Gurkin

Prime Dental Clinic

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2360-9850
Russian Federation, Ryazan

Ekaterina S. Derbentsova

Ryazan Regional Clinical Hospital; Prime Dental Clinic

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9179-244X

MD, Cand. Sci. (Med.)

Russian Federation, Ryazan; Ryazan

Ulia V. Budanova

Ryazan State Medical University

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9771-8323


Russian Federation, Ryazan


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Patient M. Photo protocol.

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3. Fig. 2. Patient M. Cone beam computed tomography.

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4. Fig. 3. Patient M. Periodontal chart.

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5. Fig. 4. Gingival sulcus depth, mm. Pivot table.

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6. Fig. 5. Patient E. Photo protocol.

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7. Fig. 6. Patient E. Cone beam computed tomography.

Download (106KB)
8. Fig. 7. Gingival sulcus depth. Graph.

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9. Fig. 8. Tooth mobility. Results of the measurements in “Periotest M”. Pivot table.

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10. Fig. 9. Tooth mobility. Results of the measurements in “Perio-test M”. Graph.

Download (115KB)

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