Human organism in the conditions of homeostatic dynamics of meteoroligical parameters of the Russian North




The problem of homeostasis and especially homeostatic behavior of different parameters of the human body functional systems in the Russian North (human's cardiovascular system (CVS) is considered in the work) was reviewed from new perspective (new theory of chaos and self-organization). After proving of N. A. Bernstein's hypothesis about "repetition without repetition" in biomechanics as a statistical instability of obtained samples (in one subject with universal homeostasis) a problem explaining mechanisms of such instability appeared. One of the mechanisms of such stochastic chaos for RR intervals and over parameters of cardiovascular system may be connected with chaotic dynamics of parameters of the human environment. The purpose of the study is to assess the influence of external chaos (parameters of the human environment) on internal regulatory functions. Using the methods of paired comparison of samples of meteorological parameters and calculation of quasi-attractors' parameters, we obtained information on the state of meteorological parameters of the human environment, which demonstrate stochastic instability in succession of samples obtained (identical months and the same seasons of the year). The results of the study showed that the average values of the areas of quasi-attractors of two phase coordinates (T, P) differ very significantly. It is suggested that such chaotic dynamics can induce chaos of the CVS parameters. The paper proves homeostasis in the behavior of meteorological parameters, which can significantly affect the systems of regulation of the main functions of the human body. The statistical instability of the parameters of the human environment is shown, which is very similar to the dynamics of tremor and teping in the Eskov-Zinchenko effect. Conclusions. The statistical instability of meteorological parameters is similar to the homeostasis of living systems. At the same time, the mechanisms of regulation of the CVS and meteorological parameters of the human environment are, of course, different. A common feature is the special chaos of the xi parameters, which is manifested in the statistical instability in a row of the resulting samples. Such a statistical instability is called the Eskov - Zinchenko effect, and has no analogue in such systems.


O. Filatova

Surgut State University Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area, Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Институт естественных и технических наук Surgut, Russia

Yu. Bashkatova

Surgut State University Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area, Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Институт естественных и технических наук; кандидат биологических наук, старший преподаватель кафедры экологии и биофизики Surgut, Russia

D. Filatova

Surgut State University Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area, Institute of Natural and Technical Sciences

Институт естественных и технических наук Surgut, Russia

L. Ilyashenko

Tyumen Industrial University, Surgut Branch

Surgut, Russia


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版权所有 © Filatova O.E., Bashkatova Y.V., Filatova D.Y., Ilyashenko L.K., 2019

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