


Aim: identification of gender differences in the parameters of psychomotor reactions among cadets of the Ministry of Internal Affairs university. Summary: two methods were used for psychomotor sphere evaluation. The "Search" method combines a number of tests to estimate the speed of visual recognition of a moving object among a set of stationary objects similar to it. The "Coordination" method is used to evaluate the psychomotor factor of limb movements coordination and bilateral asymmetry of motor functions. The essence of the tests is the consecutive performance of the given reactions (pressing the right and left buttons, the foot pedal), each of which is linked to a certain signal (red, yellow, green). Results: An analysis of the results obtained showed a low efficiency of the visual detection of a moving object in the group as a whole. In general, the effectiveness of movement's coordination among boys corresponded to a high level. Differentiated analysis of level formation of professionally important qualities (PIQ) showed statistically significant gender differences in the efficacy parameter in the group with a medium level PIQ (р = 0,031), on the value of latency (р = 0,014) and stability (р = 0,044) in the group with a level lower than the medium. Assessment of psychomotor parameters of movement's coordination revealed a statistically significant difference in the overall effectiveness of the assignment (р = 0,004). Correlation analysis between the levels of development of PIQ and the parameters of visual-motor reactions have demonstrated the direct dependence of the level of coordination from the male sex of the subject (r = 0,50, р = 0,050), the efficiency of detecting a moving object and reverse dependent on the efficiency of foot reactions. Conclusions: А more effective implementation of sensorimotor reactions (SMR) complex than the simple SMR may point to the complexity and novelty of the presented test modality in a simple SMR, which requires a longer perceptual process time. The obtained gender differences may be associated with a higher levels of activation of the CNS in young men, differences in the emotional sphere of boys and girls by level of anxiety.


L Deryagina

Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

доктор медицинских наук, профессор кафедры психологии

T Polozova

Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

L Kostina

Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

I Usacheva

Kikot' Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs


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