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ABO system's immune antibodies are common, but not as persistent as natural anti-A and anti-B antibodies. They are the result of hyper immunization of an iso- or heteroimmune nature and belong to the IgG class. The study of serum for the presence of immune antibodies of the ABO, Rh system is necessary for the diagnosis of hemolytic disease cases of newborns with ABO, Rh-conflict pregnancy. Clinically significant immune antibodies of erythrocyte systems capable to cause in vivo destruction of red blood cells are of great importance in transfusiology and immunohematology. The most common cause of their occurrence is alloimmunization with red blood cell antigens during childbirth. The aim of this study was to determine the characteristics of the immune anti-erythrocyte antibodies in residents of the Republic of Mordovia belonging to the ethnic groups of Moksha and Erzya. Methods. The cross-sectional study involved 294 people from the Moksha and 387 people and Erzya ethnic groups, randomly selected in 7 districts of the Republic of Mordovia. Detection of IgG anti-A, anti-B ABO systems was performed by inactivation of disulfide bonds in IgM molecules using a 5 % unitiol solution and then by direct agglutination method at indoor temperature with standard red blood cells of group O(I), A(II), and B(III). The study of incomplete anti-erythrocyte antibodies of other systems was performed by indirect Coombs' test using gel technology. Results. The study of immune antibodies of the ABO system revealed from 10.61 to 16.00 % of anti-A antibodies and from 2.27 to 6.38 % of anti-B antibodies in both men and women Moksha and Erzya. We studied immune anti-erythrocyte antibodies: anti-D 0.34 % in Moksha and anti-D 0.26% and anti-Kell 0.26 % antibodies in Erzya. The scale of immunogenicity of red blood cell antigens in the studied groups: A>, B>, D> and K>. The alloimmunization index of transfusion-hazardous antigens was calculated as 0.34 for Moksha and 0.52 for Erzya. Conclusions. Physiologically, the immune system in Moksha and Erzya actively reacts with antibody's production and it is sensitive to immunization by the group of antigens.

About the authors

L. A. Gusachenko

Surgut State University

аспирант кафедры физиологии медицинского института Surgut, Russia

O. G. Litovchenko

Federal State Autonomous Educational Instition of Higher Education «South Ural State University (National research universsity)

биолог лаборатории иммунологических исследований КУ


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