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In order to detect peculiarities of ordinary atmospheric factors effect on cerebral functions of persons with neurological deviances, there was conducted an EEG-examination of 343 neurological out-patients without meteorotropic complaints. The EEG results have been collated mathematically with synchronous meteoreports. 343 weather factors’ natural combinations have been assessed. We judged about cerebral meteosensitivity by presence, degree and nature of connections between meteorological variables and neurodynamic parameters’ values. It has been established that against neuropathology, the brain physiological reactivity to weather was preserved, though it had a weakened and dissimilar nature than that in the healthy persons. Differences in the degree of cerebral meteosensitivity depending on clinical entities have been detected. Therefore, meteosensitivity providing the brain work adaptation to the environment and creating conditions for absence of subjective perceptions of weather in the healthy men, was poorly manifested or was depraved against neuropathology, however, it was in evidence.

About the authors

G I Vodolazhskii

Stavropol State University


M G Vodolazhskaya

Stavropol State University

доктор биологических наук, профессор, зав. лабораторией биомедицины Stavropol

M D Naimanova

Stavropol State University



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Copyright (c) 2012 Vodolazhskii G.I., Vodolazhskaya M.G., Naimanova M.D.

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