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Aim - to assess the level of mercury accumulation in the tissues of fish caught in the Volga River and to study the features of this accumulation by some fish species. Methods. Freshwater fish was caught throughout the Volga River, in the areas characterized by various degrees of industrial development and the presence of natural sources of mercury. In the course of the study, tissue samples of the main commercial fish species (about 400 samples in total) were selected. The analysis of the selected material was carried out by means of the atomic absorption method with "cold steam". Results. Average concentration of mercury in the muscles of the main commercial fish species was between 11-260 ppb. The highest value of mercury concentration was typical for carp, wild carp, pike, perch, sturgeon and catfish, the lowest - for ruff and crawfish. Conclusions. The maximum allowable concentration of mercury for all fish species was not exceeded. The study of mercury accumulation in fish roe showed that the concentration of this metal was minimal (8.6 ppb) and did not depend on the concentration of mercury in the fish muscles. The diagrams of mercury concentration distribution in the muscles of roach, bream, pike-perch, pike and perch depending on the fishing area showed that the maximum concentration of mercury in the muscles of fish was typical for the Rybinsk reservoir, and the minimum - for the Upper Volga. The study of mercury accumulation dependence in perch, bream and pike muscles from fish weight stated a direct proportion of mercury concentration for perch - correlation coefficient r = 0.881, p = 0.018 and inverse proportion for pike -r = -0.653, p = 0.029, for bream - the dependence of mercury concentration in muscle from fish weight was not detected.

About the authors

A V Gorbunov

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 1279-0204
старший научный сотрудник лаборатории химико-аналитических исследований

S M Lyapunov

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 7250-0308

O I Okina

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

SPIN-code: 3243-7281

V S Sheshukov

Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences


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