Vol 29, No 11 (2022)


Role of microelements in the development of endocrine pathology

Sharipova M.M., Ivkina M.V., Arkhangelskaya A.N., Gurevich K.G.


Due to the continual increase in the incidence of endocrine diseases in the world, their prevention and treatment have become topical. Diseases of the endocrine system are often accompanied by the development of comorbidities and complications, which negatively affect the quality of life and survival of patients. Currently, research is focused on the status of trace elements in patients with various diseases. Numerous current studies are devoted to investigating the influence of the balance of trace elements on the etiology and pathogenesis of diabetes mellitus, obesity, and some thyroid diseases, including autoimmune ones. The role of iodine, selenium, iron, zinc, and copper in the development and progression of these diseases has been established, but the findings of these studies are sometimes contradictory.

This review focuses on national and foreign studies on the role of trace elements in the development of endocrine pathology, and gives a brief description of the most significant mineral substances, as well as the effect of their imbalance on the structure and function of the organs of the endocrine system. This review recommends further studies on this issue incorporating concomitant diseases, as well as the mutual influences of mineral substances on each other, which can lead to a change in the concentration of trace elements in the body.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(11):753-760
pages 753-760 views


Evaluation of the effectiveness of technological measures to manage the risk to public health when exposed to atmospheric emissions of multi-fuel combined heat and power plants

Petrov S.B., Zhernov Y.V.


AIM: To assess the effectiveness of technological measures to manage the risk to public health of exposure to atmospheric emissions from multi-fuel combined heat and power plants (CHP).

METHODS: The study involved modeling the dispersion of emissions from the thermal power plants, calculation of surface concentrations, assessment of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks to public health, and estimating the relative risk of mortality, referrals and hospitalizations based on WHO guidelines on atmospheric air quality. Predictive scenarios were constructed for thermal power plants, including the initial state, modernization with the help of technological and sanitary measures, and changes in the structure of the fuel balance.

RESULTS: The use of low-temperature vortex fuel combustion technology in combination with a modernized dust and gas cleaning system significantly (p <0.001) decreased the predicted carcinogenic risk index by an average of 80.67%, non-carcinogenic risk index by 78.84%, and relative mortality risks and referrals to medical organizations by more than 80%. The use of a gas turbine plant increased the production of electric energy by 72.23%, thermal energy by 4.89%, and significantly (p <0.001) reduced the level of carcinogenic risk by 44–60%, non-carcinogenic risk by 35–47%, and relative risks of mortality, visits to medical organizations and hospitalizations by 33–64%.

CONCLUSION: The use of the best available technologies to modernize multi-fuel CHP plants significantly reduces the level of risk to public health while it increases the production of electric and thermal energy and maintaining the advantage of using both solid and gaseous fuels.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(11):761-770
pages 761-770 views

Assessment of indicators of reproductive health of the population of the Trans-Ural Republic of Bashkortostan in 2000–2020

Semenova I.N., Rafikova Y.S.


BACKGROUND: The reproductive health of a population depends on many factors one of which is chemical pollution of the environment caused by both natural conditions and man-made impacts. The population living in geochemical provinces is often subject to pathological conditions caused by a lack, excess or imbalance of macro- and microelements. This study was carried out in the Republic of Bashkortostan in areas of natural and man-made anomalies with excessive content of heavy metals in the environment.

AIM: To analyze the demographic profile and assess the reproductive health of the population of the Trans-Ural zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A descriptive ecological study of the trend of reproductive health of the population of the Trans-Ural zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan was carried out using average population indicators. Statistical data presented in the open press by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the 2000–2020 period were used. These data included demographic indicators, infant mortality, frequency of congenital malformations, and morbidity of children within the first year of life.

RESULTS: In all the areas studied, there was a tendency for a decrease in the birth rate and an increase in the mortality rate. The highest average birth rate of 19.8 was recorded in the Burzyansky District and the lowest of 13.1 in the Zilairsky District, which was higher than the republican average of 12.4. During the study period, there was a significant decrease in infant mortality both in the republic and in the Trans-Urals regions. Average infant mortality rates relative to congenital malformations among newborns in the Sibay, Baymaksky, and Zianchurinsky Districts as well as the relative risk of blood diseases in children of the first year of life in most of the studied areas was higher than the average republican level.

CONCLUSION: Reproductive health of the population of Sibay for the period 2000–2020 is exposed to a higher risk of congenital malformations and infant mortality than the average republican level. In the Baymaksky, Zianchurinsky, Uchalinsky and Khaibullinsky Districts, the risk of developing blood diseases in children within the first year of life was higher than the average republican level. The results further indicate the need to take measures to reduce risks and improve the safety of reproductive health of the population of the mining region.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(11):771-781
pages 771-781 views

Dynamics of mortality of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory from preventable and treatable causes

Mironova A.A., Narkevich A.N.


INTRODUCTION: In the context of the development of measures aimed at reducing the mortality of the population, it is BACKGROUND: In developing measures to reduce mortality in the population, it is important not to directly analyze the mortality of the population but to study its manageable components attributed to preventable and treatable deaths.

AIM: To analyze trends in mortality due to preventable and treatable causes in the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective observational study was done using data from primary mortality databases of urban districts and municipal districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the period 1999−2020, as well as data from the Office of the Federal State Statistics Service for the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the Republic of Khakassia and the Republic of Tyva on the population. The study examines how f preventable and curable causes contribute to the mortality structure of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory for the period 1999−2020.

RESULTS: Over the period 1999−2019, the mortality rate of the population decreased by 13.4% (from 1413.2 to 1224.2 cases per 100,000 people), but in 2020 mortality rate increased by 16.7%, becoming slightly higher than its 1999 level. Analysis of the structure of mortality from leading causes of mortality showed a systematic increase in the proportion of unavoidable and incurable causes from 1999 to 2020.

CONCLUSION: The results of this study can serve as a guideline for determining the reserves for reducing the mortality of the population and for determining promising directions for reducing it at the regional level. However, to achieve this, a more detailed analysis of the mortality structure of the population is required in order to identify groups of headings, headings or individual causes of death, for which there is a high proportion of preventable and curable mortality.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(11):783-792
pages 783-792 views

Genetic predictors of oxidative stress in the indigenous ethnous of the Arctic

Vorobyeva N.A., Vorobyeva A.I., Vorontsova A.S.


BACKGROUND: Fundamental scientific research and practical medicine indicate that certain genes are potentially involved in the pathogenesis of oxidative stress.

AIM: to determine the prevalence of polymorphic genes that cause oxidative stress in the Nenets ethnic group of the Vaigach Island of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug and compare it with that of other ethnic groups.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: A molecular genetic study of the genes involved in oxidative stress in 44 representatives of the Nenets ethnic group permanently residing on the Vaygach Island was carried out. Data were analyzed using the STATA 2016 program and Microsoft Excel 2010. The assessment of the deviation of genotypic distributions from the Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium was carried out using the Pearson χ2 test. Calculations were performed using the online program Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium calculator (HWEC).

RESULTS: The prevalence of the main polymorphic variants of the oxidative system genes in the studied ethnic group was similar to that in European populations, with the exception of the SOD2 (rs4880), CYP1A1 (rs1048943), CAT (rs1001179) with prevalences of 97,73%, 20,45%, 13,64%, respectively. The oxidative system genes: the SOD2 (rs4880 and rs1141718), and CAT (rs1001179) were specific to the indigenous ethnic group of Vaygach Island.

CONCLUSION: The study of the nature of genetic diversity in specific geographical, ethnic groups will allow us to reconstruct the genetic history of populations, and identify traces of natural selection associated with adaptive variability.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(11):793-806
pages 793-806 views

Hormonal and metabolic features of puberty in adolescents with ultrasound signs of fatty hepatosis (on the example of Arkhangelsk)

Malyavskaya S.I., Lebedev A.V., Kostrova G.N.


AIM: To establish the nature of hormonal and metabolic disorders and the relationship of atherogenic risk factors in puberty in adolescents with ultrasound signs of fatty hepatosis.

METHODS: A sample of 120 adolescents aged 12–17 years from Arkhangelsk having instrumental signs of fatty hepatosis were examined for indicators of peroxidation, chronic inflammation and insulin resistance. A group of 219 adolescents from Arkhangelsk who did not have acute and chronic diseases at the time of examination were used as a comparison group.

RESULTS: The results showed higher mean values of total C-reactive protein (2.76 mg/ml), lipid peroxidation (531.28 mmol/l), waist circumference (72.15 cm), body mass index (25.70 kg/m2), uric acid (0.29 mmol/l), HOMA index (2.24 IU), insulin (11.92 uIU/ml), triglycerides (0.91 mmol/l), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (2.20 mmol/l) in the group of adolescents with fatty hepatosis than in the comparison group (0.77 mg/ml, p <0.001; 371.19 mmol/l, p=0.027; 58.19 cm, p <0.001; 25.70 kg/m2, p <0.001; 0.25 mmol/l, p <0.001; 1.01 IU, p <0.001; 5.90 uIU/ml, p <0.001; 0.69 mmol/l, p <0.001; 2.06 mmol/l, p=0.025, respectively).

CONCLUSION: These results confirm that the pathogenetic components of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (insulin resistance, accompanied by hyperinsulinemia against the background of abdominal fat deposition, activation of lipid peroxidation, atherogenic dyslipidemia, hyperuricemia, and chronic inflammation) should be considered in adolescence in the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.

Ekologiya cheloveka (Human Ecology). 2022;29(11):807-815
pages 807-815 views

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