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Introduction: The conditions of haptic contamination with stable strontium disrupt the implementation of programmed cell death, forming early health disorders of the child population. Aim: to study the indicators, characterizing cell death, in children with excess haptic contamination of biological media with natural stable strontium. Methods: Research group: children consuming drinking water from underground drinking water sources with excess content of natural stable strontium, comparison group: children consuming drinking water of satisfactory quality in terms of strontium content.The study of indicators characterizing cell death was carried out by flow cytometry; polymorphism of candidate genes by real-time PCR. Results: It was found that in children exposed to strontium, the content of protein-oncosuppressor p53, proapoptotic reception of CD95+- lymphocytes, Annexin V-FITC+PI--lymphocytes with a simultaneous increase in an average of 1.7 times lymphocytic phenotypes of CD95+- lymphocytes and associated with necrotic death of Annexin V-FITC+PI+-lymphocytes are statistically significant (p < 0.001) decreased by an average of 2.5 times. An increased frequency of the heterozygous genotype of the matrix metalloproteinase gene MMP9 Gln279Arg is 2.5 times higher than the results obtained in unexposed children. Conclusion: The results of the studies allowed us to establish that strontium concentrations in the blood in the range from 0.040 to 0.091 mg/dm3 are associated with inhibition of apoptosis and switching to an alternative pathway of cell death-necrosis, which, against the background of polymorphism of candidate genes, creates a risk of autoimmune pathology.

About the authors

O. V. Dolgikh

Federal Scientific Center for medical and preventive health risk management technologies of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance

Email: oleg@fcrisk.ru
доктор медицинских наук, заведующий отделом иммунобиологических методов диагностики Perm

D. G. Dianova

Federal Scientific Center for medical and preventive health risk management technologies of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance; Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy


A. V. Krivtsov

Federal Scientific Center for medical and preventive health risk management technologies of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance



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