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The aim of the present research was to study anthropometric characteristics of the aboriginal population of the Magadan Region, North-Eastern Russia. Methods: A random sample of 135 young aboriginal men aged 17-21 form Magadan Region representing Koryaks, Evens ethnic groups participated in a cross-sectional study. All the subjects were split into 4 age-groups. Basic anthropometric measurements with subsequent calculation of anthropometric indices were performed. Results. In contrast to Caucasian young men, the group of aborigines showed annual growths of the body length during the adolescent period of ontogenesis, at the age of 18 and 2021, due to the height increase in the sitting position with a pronounced body mass increase (8.7 kg vs. 2.3 kg ), chest circumference (by 7.2 cm in Aborigines versus 3.3 cm in the Caucasians). The Aboriginal subjects also demonstrated an increase in their body build shifted from weak (at 17 and 18 year old age) to medium (at 19 and 20-21), whereas in the group of Caucasians a medium build was observed at the age of 17, 18 with the body strength developing to strong in the older age groups. These changes of the basic indicators of physical development demonstrated by the group of young Aborigines that took place against the background of an increase in the strength indicators could only occur in older age groups (at 19 and 20-21), which was associated with an increase in BMI. Conclusion. The results of a comparative analysis of the age dynamics of the main somatometric indicators and their calculated indices in the juvenile period of ontogenesis carried out in the two ethnic groups indicate the pronounced differences in somatometric status formation. The Aboriginal subjects showed a lag in their physical development rate.

About the authors

I. V. Averyanova

Federal State Institution of Science, Scientific Research Center "Arktika" Fareastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SRC "Arktika" FEB RAS)

кандидат биологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник лаборатории физиологии экстремальных состояний


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