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The aim of this research is to identify the factors of related to social stereotypes about the use of pharmaceuticals by the working age population of an industrial Russian city. Methods. The study was performed in Cherepovets - a typical industrial Russian city. Altogether, 400 visitors of four randomly selected pharmacies filled out an anonymous questionnaire on the attitudes towards the use of medications, compliance to medical prescriptions etc. Results. The rational use of medicines only when health problems appear, as practised by the majority (75.2 %) of the work-age citizens, is combined with the low medicinal compliance. Every second individual (50.0 %) either frequently violates the medical prescriptions (43.8 %), or completely disregards them (6.2 %). The absence of doctor's credibility is manifested in the irrational motives in the choice of the medicinal products, amongst which the recommendations of the doctor consitute 36.4 %. The main reason of poor complience in using the pharmaceuticals is the wide spread in the social medium of the misconception with regards to medicines viewed as placebo, pacifier, poison and toxic (38.5 %). Conclusions. The existing social stereotypes in using the medicines reflect low health literacy of the population and sometimes negative experience of interaction with the health-care system. The situation is aggravated by the lack of understanding of the patients' cooperation in health promotion and disease prevention. Measures aiming at increasing health literacy and forming rational attitudes towards medicines are needed to a change health-related behaviour and increase compliance to medical treatment.

About the authors

T. G. Svetlichnaya

Northern State Medical University

E. A. Smirnova

Vologda Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary #1

кандидат социологических наук, специалист


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