The concentration of erythrocyte antigens in moksha and erzya, republic of Mordovia

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To determine the peculiarities of erythrocyte antigen distribution is reasonable due to the necessity to study the causes of antigenic polymorphism occurrence in different ethnic populations. The aim of the work was to establish the frequency of antigens, the concentration of alleles, haplotypes, erythrocyte genes of ABO, Rh, MN systems in representatives of small indigenous groups Moksha and Erzya of the Republic of Mordovia. Methods: Antigen phenotyping (system ABO, Rh, MN) was carried out using a hemagglutination reaction with monochannel coliclone. The blood of 681 inhabitants from 7 regions of the Republic of Mordovia served as a study material. ABO gene frequency was calculated using formulas proposed by F. Bernstein for triallelic genetic systems. The frequency of haplotypes of Rh system was calculated using formulas proposed by A. E. Mourant. The Fisher test was used to compare the dispersion of the two variation series. Results: Distribution of blood groups in Moksha: O(I) (34.01 %) >A(II) (32.99 %) >B(III) (25.17 %) >AB(IV) (7.82 %). Distribution of blood groups in Erzya A(II) (36.69 %) >O(I) (31.26 %) >B(III) (23.77 %) >AB(Iv) (8.26 %). No statistically significant differences were found in phenotypes distribution in Moksha and Erzya. The concentration of Rh gene alleles in the studied groups did not differ significantly. The most common allele is D - 0.6; then c - 0.56; e - 0.44, 0.42; C - 0.4; d - 0.5; and the lowest concentration both in Moksha and in Erzya was observed in the allele E - 0.16; 0.2, respectively. Haplotype CDe had the highest concentration (0,436 - Moksha; 0,427 - Erzya), the haplotype cdE 0,373, 0,380; cDE 0,171, 0,173. Concentration of cdE haplotype - 0,012 was found in Moksha and 0,026 in Erzya. Conclusion: The obtained data can be used for the safety scientifically based transfusion support of small populations and in composition of the genogeographic map of the Russian Federation.

About the authors

O. G. Litovchenko

Surgut State University

Surgut, Russia

L. A. Gusachenko

Surgut State University; Blood transfusion station

аспирант кафедры физиологии медицинского института; биолог лаборатории иммунологических исследований Surgut, Russia


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