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The aim is to study the environmental friendliness of long-term work on a computer based on the results of assessing the level of psycho-physiological functions of students with different volumes of training loads using computer technologies in the learning process. Methods: computer analysis of psychomotor reactions, self-assessment and situational anxiety, measurement of heart rate (HR) and blood pressure before and after the local load. 86 volunteer students aged 18-23 years old with a different volume of computer technology in the curriculum were surveyed. The results showed that adaptation to training loads in students with a large amount of computer technology is expressed in a statistically significant increase in indicators such as the speed of simple sensomotor reactions, the rate of complex sensomotor reactions in girls, and a decrease in attention concentration, the rate of selection and discrimination reactions in all subjects. Anxiety rates were higher in students with less computer work. The response of the heart rate to the local load in girls of both groups was more pronounced than in boys. Conclusion. A theoretical statement is formulated about the uneven changes in adaptation processes to study loads in students with a large amount of computer technology, expressed in stimulating certain neurodynamic functions and compensatory reduction of others. The stress of adaptation in girls is more pronounced than in boys. These studies indicate the environmentally unfavorable nature of high computer loads on the body, which manifests itself in functional stress. It is necessary to introduce correctional and recreational activities in the educational process with a large amount of computer technology.

About the authors

O. G. Kourova

South Ural State University

Chelyabinsk; Russia

T. V. Popova

South Ural State University

доктор биологических наук, профессор, ведущий эксперт НИЦ спортивной науки Chelyabinsk; Russia

E. G. Kokoreva

Ural State University of Physical Culture

Chelyabinsk; Russia

N. V. Parskaya

South Ural State Agrarian University

Chelyabinsk; Russia

E. A Krapivina

South Ural State Agrarian University

Chelyabinsk; Russia


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Copyright (c) 2019 Kourova O.G., Popova T.V., Kokoreva E.G., Parskaya N.V., Krapivina E.A.

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