Effects of training load on heart rate variability and blood pressure in track and field athletes and skiers

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BACKGROUND: Adaptation of human body to the harsh conditions of the European North remains a topic of ongoing interest, despite numerous studies on the subject. There is a need to study population groups whose daily activities involve physical activity in extreme northern conditions. One such group includes athletes who participate in endurance sports. For athletes engaged in cyclical sports, competitive activities becomes can be particularly demanding, requiring sustained physical exertion and maximum power generation. Training and competing in harsh conditions place significant strain on the body’s cardiovascular regulation mechanisms. Over time, this may result in detrimental structural and biochemical changes in the cardiovascular system.

AIM: To identify the patterns of changes in heart rate regulation among track and field athletes and skiers after a training load.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: Athletes from the Arkhangelsk region, including skiers and track and field athletes in the mass sports categories, who regularly compete in regional events, took part in the study. The studies took place in the medical offices of sports complexes, where the UPFT-1/30“Psychophysiologist” device was used to record and analyze cardiointervalograms. Blood pressure was recorded before and after training sessions using the Criticare System 8100H monitor.

RESULTS: The initial variational span (VR) values of the duration of cardio intervals before exercise were slightly lower than the reference values in both the group of skiers and the group of athletes. At the same time, the mean square deviation (SD) values initially fell within normal range. Following the training load, both groups experienced a statistically significant decrease in SD and VR values, falling below the lower limit of the permissible range. Furthermore, spectral analysis of the cardiac intervals before exercise indicated a high level of neurohumoral regulation. After exercise, there was a statistically significant decrease in the initial values of TP in both groups, aligning with the average level of neurohumoral regulation.

CONCLUSION: The results obtained in track and field athletes with a predominant anaerobic training load and skiers with a predominant aerobic load suggest that the training load of a predominantly aerobic nature may lead to less pronounced stress on the regulatory systems. This hypothesis was further supported by the results of the changes in blood pressure.

About the authors

Evgeniy V. Masko

Northern State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: maskoev@yandex.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-4855-7863
SPIN-code: 4962-7012
Russian Federation, 1A Sadovaya str., p. Aikino, 169049

Igor G. Mosyagin

Northern State Medical University

Email: mosyagin-igor@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9485-6584
SPIN-code: 2296-4321

MD, Dr. Sci. (Medicine), Professor

Russian Federation, 1A Sadovaya str., p. Aikino, 169049

Igor M. Boyko

Northern State Medical University

Email: imboyko@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5918-7074
SPIN-code: 9644-4257

MD, Cand. Sci. (Medicine), Associate Professor

Russian Federation, 1A Sadovaya str., p. Aikino, 169049


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Blood pressure in track and field athletes and skiers before and after training load.

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