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The purpose of the study was assessment of the socio-sexual status of military men. We have proposed and used an integrated assessment of the socio-sexual status, followed by a descriptive cross-sectional (one-time) study. The sample has been formed on the basis of a combination of proportional, typological and random selection: 6 typical military units have been selected. 2 independent groups have been studied - the first (174 men) and the second (94) groups. To compare the quality of data, the Yates’s chi-squared test was used. The study results: 17.2 (11.0; 23,4) % of the men and 28.3 (18.0; 38.6) % of the women had problems of family and sexual violence. 12.1 (6.6; 17.5) % of the men and 26.7 (16.6; 36.8) % of the women (p = 0.008) suffered from the genital sphere diseases, while only 2.7 (0.1; 5.7) % of the men and 13.3 (5.3; 21.3) % of the women (p < 0.001) turned to physicians 27.6 (20.3; 34.8) % of the men and from 21.7 (12.2; 31.2) % to 51.7 (40.4; 63.0) % of the women had signs of sexual dysfunction. The proposed method allows to identify the problems’ complex nature and is a basis for monitoring of the socio-sexual status, which helps to improve delivery of sexological care to military men.

About the authors

M Yu Sergeev

Military Medical Institute

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент кафедры акушерства, гинекологии с курсом планирования семьи Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

S B Аrtifeхov

Military Medical Institute

Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia

I V Borodacheva

Military Medical Institute

Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2012 Sergeev M.Y., Аrtifeхov S.B., Borodacheva I.V.

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