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There have been considered the main tendencies of chemical poisonings in children and adolescents of the City of Arkhangelsk according to sex, age, kind of toxic agents. All the sex-age characteristics of the reasons and circumstances of poisonings have been analyzed: the boys were mostly exposed to voluntary poisonings with alcohol and its substitutes, the girls — to accidental poisonings (mainly with medicaments). The main ways of prevention of acute poisonings among children and adolescents in the region have been proposed.

About the authors

Zh L Varakina

Northern State Medical University

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, доцент Института общественного здоровья, здравоохранения и социальной работы

A M Vyazmin

Northern State Medical University

A L Sannikov

Northern State Medical University

T V Golenishcheva

Northern State Medical University

V A Plaksin

Northern State Medical University


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