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Influence of anthropo-man-induced load on Dysmetabolic Nephropathy (DMN) and Urolithiasis (U) prevalence in children of the Primorsky Krai has been studied. The study design included a sanitary, epidemiological and clinical stages. 513 children aged 3-14 years, born and residing in three towns of the Primorsky Krai with different degrees of anthropo-man-induced load stress have been examined (in Vladivostok, Dalnegorsk and Partizansk). The highest anthropo-man-induced water and air pollution load level was observed in Vladivostok. In the City of Dalnegorsk, water and air were less polluted, but the level of soil contamination (4.0 versus 1.0 and 2.0 in Vladivostok and Partizansk) was the highest one. DMN and U occurred significantly more frequently in Dalnegorsk than in Vladivostok and Partizansk (p < 0.001). It has been proved that in the Primorsky Krai, the anthropo-man-induced factor was not a priority risk factor for DMN and U development. Use of the noninvasive and easily managed system "Litos-test" allowed to reliably detect these diseases in the examined children.

About the authors

O V Semeshina

Regional Children's Clinical Hospital no. 1

кандидат медицинских наук, зав. отделением нефрологии Vladivostok

V N Luchaninova

Pacific State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia


V K Kovalchuk

Pacific State Medical University, Ministry of Health of Russia


E A Melnikova

Regional Children's Clinical Hospital no. 1



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