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Mortality from traumas, intoxications and other effects of external causes (S00-T98) is a pressing issue in Russia. The goal of the study is to assess an associative relation between alcohol consumption the day before lethal outcome and mortality from conditions S00-T98. Methods. Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination handed in data about sex, lifespan of a deceased person, legal diagnosis, death circumstances, ethanol concentration in blood from 1 607 “Expert’s Conclusions”, “Acts of legal Post-mortem Examination” issued from July 1 st till December 31 st 2011. Results. Among 19.9 % of the deceased the main legal diagnosis belonged to the group of conditions S00-T98. Ethanol in blood was detected in every forth deceased person (23.6 % with 95 % C.I.: 21.6-25.8). Odds ratio to detect ethanol in blood of people who died because of the mentioned causes in comparison with other causes was higher apart from the sex. In the blood of every second victim of a suicide, drowning, fire, ethanol in concentration 3.0 % and more has been detected. The average life expectancy of people who died from conditions S00-T98 whose blood contained ethanol was 10 years less. Conclusion. The analysis of medical records confir s presence of an associative interrelation between alcohol consumption day before a lethal outcome and mortality from traumas, intoxications and other effects of external causes.

About the authors

E A Mordovsky

Northern State Medical University


A G Soloviev

Northern State Medical University

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой психиатрии и клинической психологии Arkhangelsk

A M Vyazmin

Northern State Medical University


S G Kuzin

Northern State Medical University; Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination


E A Kolyadko

Bureau of Forensic Medical Examination



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