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In the article, there have been presented the results of the occupational diseases risk prediction in assemblers of vessel metal hulls (VMH) of the Northern Region Machine Building Plant. Assessment of the VMH assemblers working conditions has been made on the ground of the materials of the assessment of workplaces and sanitary and hygienic characteristics of the working conditions composed for the patients suspected of having occupational diseases according to Guidance Р 2.2.2006-05. The occupational diseases risk has been predicted on the ground of the hygienic criteria of assessment of working conditions, as well as the regulatory and methodical documents approved in the established procedure. It has been determined that according to the harmful factors impact stated in Guidance Р 2.2.2006-05, the VMH assemblers working conditions were referred to hazard classes 3.2 and 3.3 described by high antecedent risk of occupational diseases in the period of working activity, what was confirmed by the long-term average annual levels of occupational morbidity that significantly (p<0.001) exceeded similar indices in the control group (employees of the machine workshops). On the ground of the made assessment of the working conditions and the results of the occupational diseases antecedent risk prediction, managerial decisions focused on preservation of the VMH assemblers health should foresee implementation of top-priority measures for reduction of local vibration and noise generated by hand tools, as well as optimization of microclimate parameters and labor burden reduction.

About the authors

L A Sokolova

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

O N Popova

Northern State Medical University; Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

доктор медицинских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры гигиены и медицинской экологии Arkhangelsk, Russia

M M Kalinina

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

M Yu Bogdanov

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

G F Kocheshova

Northern State Medical University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

A B Gudkov

Northern State Medical University; Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

Arkhangelsk, Russia


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