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In the article, there have been classified the results of the study of psycho-physiological parameters of military wives being in conditions of socio-traumatic situations for a long time, taking into account the identified constitutional-psychological personal traits. An assessment of effectiveness of psycho-physiological regulation and psycho-correction methods with use of biofeedback (BOS) has been presented. For monitoring of the electroencephalogram amplitude options as well as providing data on neuromuscular and autonomic activity in the form of binary, analog, auditory and visual signals BOS, there was used the biofeedback complex "BOSLAB." It has been found that the women who underwent medical and psychological rehabilitation showed positive dynamics of psycho-physiological indicators in the form of the increased amplitude of the alpha rhythm, the reduced theta activity and level of electromyographic voltage. There have been singled out specific features of the alpha rhythm indices corresponding to neurotic and neurosis-like disorders. It was registered that together with the described alpha-theta changes, psycho-emotional state of the subjects also changed - symptoms of depression and anxiety disappeared, nocturnal sleep quality improved. It has been shown that the bio-adaptive control helped to activate psycho-physiological mechanisms of self-regulatory behavior, psychological self-adaptation including complex cognitive and emotional mechanisms for task-oriented action in long-term socio-stressful situations.

About the authors

A Y Kivorkova

Federal State Public Institution Health Resort "Essentuki"

A G Soloviev

Northern State Medical University

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой психиатрии и клинической психологии

I V Boev

Stavropol State Medical University


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