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The project has presented the results of testing of correction of a functional status of a group of submariners during autonomous navigation of a submarine, using the method based on the principle of biological feedback (BFB). BFB (biofeedback) is a modern technology of functional status (FS) correction based on presentation to a person of information on his status and changes of his physiological indices for the purpose of training his conscious control of various vegetative functions of the body. This technology allows to develop skills of self-regulation and to increase lability of regulatory mechanisms, what increases human resistance to adverse environmental factors. The results of the research have demonstrated high efficiency of biofeedback trainings for prompt correction of the submariners' functional status changes during their intensive professional activity.

About the authors

Y R Khankevich

Training Center of Ministry of Defense

Saint Petersburg

I A Bloshchinsky

Training Center of Ministry of Defense

доктор медицинских наук, полковник медицинской службы запаса, специалист-исследователь центра подготовки Министерства обороны Российской Федерации, заслуженный врач РФ Saint Petersburg

A S Vasilyev

Training Center of Ministry of Defense

Saint Petersburg

A S Kalmanov

Research and Testing Center of Aerospace Medicine and Military Ergonomics



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