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Indicators of programmed cell death (apoptosis) of immunocompetent cells of peripheral blood in the conditions of various level of a leptin at persons with a dislipidemiya are studied. Research was conducted with observance of the main standards of biomedical ethics. For realization of a goal two groups of the examined persons were allocated: with conditionally raised (>25 ng/ml, n = 13) and conditionally lowered (<10 ng/ml, n = 13) the content in blood of a leptin. Groups were almost equivalent on age (52,5 ± 1,4) and (50,7 ± 2,4) years and a sex (woman). Apoptosis of lymphocytes was estimated by method of a flowing laser tsitoflyuorimetriya with use FITC-marked of an anneksin of V ("Beckman Coulter", USA). Determination of concentration of a leptin, cytokin and IgE carried out to blood by method of the solid-phase immunofermental analysis. In dabs of blood painted according to Romanovsky-Gimz studied a monocytogramma and to a neutrogramma. The maintenance of phenotypes of lymphocytes was determined by method of a double peroksidazny tag with use of monoclonal antibodies. Research type retrospective, selections casual, one-stage. Population - inhabitants of the north of the European territory of Russia. Borders of normal distribution of quantitative indices defined by means of Shapiro criterion - Uilka. Reliability of distinctions between groups was estimated by means of parametrical t-criterion of Student and Uilkokson criterion. It is established that at increase of the maintenance of a leptin the differentiation and apoptosis of lymphocytes and neutrophils accrues; intensity of apoptosis and proliferation of monocytes does not change, but processes of their maturing and activization amplify. On this background concentration of IgE and IFN-γ that is also associated with accumulation of a leptin in blood increase.

About the authors

O A Stavinskaya

Institute of Environmental Physiology Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории регуляторных механизмов иммунитета 163000, г. Архангельск, пр. Ломоносова, 249

S N Balashova

Institute of Environmental Physiology Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

163000, г. Архангельск, пр. Ломоносова, 249


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