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The purpose of the investigation was to evaluate the auditory cognitive evoked potentials P300 parameters before and after vagal influences on the heart rhythm activation with biofeedback control in adolescents aged 15-17 years in the Arctic-Polar region (64°30' N) and the Subpolar region (67°30' N). There have been identified different variants of the P300 latency change, reflecting the neurons integration in the functional systems to ensure and optimize the sympathico-vagal balance under cognitive test in a single session of the heart rate variability (HRV) biofeedback in order to increase the HRV total power during the short recording (5 minutes) in adolescents living in the North. Optimization of excitation and inhibition in neural networks in the first variant has been revealed, what caused reduction of the P300 latency in the parietal, central, frontal and temporal brain parts. A greater involvement of the anterior temporal regions of the cerebral cortex occurred in the adolescents of Polar region. In the second variant, increased internal differential inhibition for achievement of a successful biofeedback control has been noted, that was reflected in prolongation of the P300 latency. In the adolescents from the Subpolar region, this variant of the brain reactivity was typical for the people with the initially shorter P300 latency; the P300 latency prolongation occurred in the frontal, parietal, central regions of both hemispheres and the right temporal part of the brain. A variant of the brain reactivity with prolongation of the P300 latency was most pronounced in adolescents with initially high emotionality levels; prolongation of the P300 latency occurred in all the studied left and right brain parts.

About the authors

E V Krivonogova

Institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch RAS

Email: elena200280@mail.ru
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