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The results of influence of "third age" education on subjective evaluation and objective indices of health are presented. Three groups of respondents took part in the research. Non-working pensioners (n = 23) constitute the first group. The second group includes 19 non-working pensioners who attended courses of computer literacy. The third group constitutes non-working pensioners (n = 21), students of special educational program "Applied psychology". Average age of participants - 62,7 ± 4,4 years for women and 65,9 ± 5,2 years for men. Women-men ration was 70 % to 30 % respectively. Comparative analysis of health index in groups reveals statistically significant differences. Those who do not work and do not participate in educational programs consider that their health needs permanent control and care. Those who study mentioned some diseases that do not restrict their activity and mobility. Objective information about health was obtained by means of "Varicard 2.8" - the instrument for analysis of cardiac rate variability. The results reveal significant differences between groups in estimations of their state of health: non-working pensioners who do not participate in educational programs rate their health from bad to worse while objective examination does not confirm such evaluations; nonworking pensioners who participate in different kinds of educational activity consider themselves more healthy than the results of medical objective examinations have revealed. Upon the whole, our research has revealed that educational activity results favourably on subjective representations of seniors about their health and on objective medical indices as well.

About the authors

E V Belovol

Moscow State Pedagogical University

Moscow, Russia

Z V Boyko

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

кандидат психологических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры управления сестринской деятельностью медицинского факультета медицинского института Moscow, Russia

I V Radysh

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Moscow, Russia

B B Radysh

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Moscow, Russia

E Yu Shurupova

Centre for psychological support of children and adolescents

Moscow, Russia


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