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This article presents propensity score matching (PSM) - modern statistical method to control for confounding, which threatens the validity of associations in observational studies. The efficiency of PSM has been demonstrated in several international studies. The increasing use of PSM by the research community is reflected by steady growth of the number of publications with this method in the PubMed database over time. This article presents the theoretical basis of PSM and its practical application using Stata software. In the practical part of the article, detailed step by step algorithms of various PSM methods are presented allowing researchers to conduct statistical analysis of their own data and interpret results.

About the authors

A M Grjibovski

Norwegian Institute of Public Health; Northern State Medical University; North-Eastern Federal University; International Kazakh - Turkish University

доктор медицины, старший советник; руководитель отдела международных программ и инновационного развития; профессор кафедры общественного здоровья и здравоохранения; профессор, почетный доктор INFA, Nasjonalt folkehelseinstitutt, Postboks 4404 Nydalen, 0403 Oslo, Norway

S V Ivanov

North-Western State Medical University


M A Gorbatova

Norwegian Institute of Public Health


A A Dyussupov

Semey State Medical University

г. Семей, Казахстан


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