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Children and adolescents aged 8 to 21 years old, living in the European and Asian North of Russia in the Subarctic (SR) and Arctic (AR) regions were surveyed. By means of spectrophotometric and fluorometric methods blood levels of carbohydrate metabolism (glucose, pyruvate, lactate), the body provision with calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, copper and water-soluble B vitamins: thiamine and riboflavin were defined. Regardless of the living region reduction of pyruvate, calcium, phosphorus, B1 and B2 vitamins concentration and increase in lactate were detected. Imbalance in the magnesium content was determined, but still lower values were registered 2.2 and 2.8 times oftener in the SR and AR, respectively, and decrease in copper was detected only in SR individuals. Comparison of the two regions showed that the representatives of the Arctic region had reduced glucose and lactate levels, but higher concentrations of bioelements and thiamine. The results of the correlation analysis revealed a significant influence of phosphorus on anaerobic glycolysis, and riboflavin on the aerobic processes. The calcium, phosphorous had an influence on the glucose level in subarctic region. At the same time magnesium, phosphorus had a positive effect on the anaerobic processes of carbohydrate metabolism, and calcium had negative effect.

About the authors

O S Vlasova

institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the RAS

кандидат биологических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории биологической и неорганической химии

F A Bichkaeva

institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the RAS; Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

N I Volkova

institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the RAS; Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M. V. Lomonosov

T V Tretykova

institute of Environmental Physiology, Ural Branch of the RAS


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