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The problem of provision infants with vitamin D is paid careful attention in modern medicine nowadays. Prevention and correction of vitamin D deficiency are the most important tasks for the pediatric community. Special attention should be paid on providing infants living in the Arctic and Subarctic regions with vitamin D where the risk of vitamin D deficiency is high due to the low insolation level and severe climate conditions. Methods: children under the age of 3 years (n = 214) of both sexes from Arkhangelsk region were examined in spring-autumn period between 2013 and 2014. Blood sample was taken for estimating 25-OH vitamin D concentration. Objective: to estimate provision of infants living in the Arkhangelsk region with vitamin D. Results: vitamin D deficiency (25-OH vitamin D blood plasma concentration lower than 30 ng/ml) is detected in 56 % of children under the age of 3, decline of vitamin D provision has been resisted with age. Conclusion: high incidence of vitamin D deficiency has been detected in young children living in Arkhangelsk region. It requires implementation of preventive programmes.

About the authors

S I Malyavskaya

Northern State Medical University


G N Kostrova

Northern State Medical University

кандидат медицинских наук, зав. научно-организационным отделом Arkhangelsk

A V Lebedev

Northern State Medical University


E V Golysheva

Arkhangelsk Children's Hospital named after P. G. Vyzhletsov


A P Muratova

Children's Policlinic of Nenets Regional Hospital


V P Chudochin

Children's Policlinic of Nenets Regional Hospital


A A Karpunov

Ministry of Health Care of Arkhangelsk Region



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