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The article presents the assessment results of the selenium status of children living in Yaroslavl city which is situated in a selenium deficient area of the European part of Russia. Hair samples of 201 preschool children (1-6 year-old ) were collected in 2011-2015. Bio-substrate analysis has revealed that median of the essential selenium content in the hair of 1-3 year-old children was 0,67 |jg/g, of 4-6-year-old children - 0,78 |jg/g, which was at the lower edge of the centile intervals for the central part of Russia. 46 % of the surveyed children had low hair selenium content. Additionally, in order to study the role of drinking water in supply of children's body with selenium, concentration of this micro-element in drinking water of the examined preschools was determined. Besides, average daily dose of selenium ingestion with drinking water has been calculated. As a result, it was stated that selenium ingestion with drinking water in preschool children's organism in Yaroslavl was lower than 1% of the essential daily demand.

About the authors

E A Bakaeva

P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University

младший научный сотрудник факультета биологии и экологии

A V Eremeyshvili

P.G. Demidov Yaroslavl State University


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