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The study results of individual and psychological predictors of adaptation and disadaptation in specialists of extreme profile are presented. The main group included 65 males - law enforcement agencies (Federal Service for the Execution of Sentences and the Ministry of Interior). The experimental group included 70 males, whose professional activity lied outside the extreme and emergency situations. Diagnostic complex included the following questionnaires: the formal and dynamic properties of individuality by V.M. Rusalov; temperament character by G. Eysenk; inventory of anxiousness by C.D. Spealberger; «The style of self-regulation» by V.I. Morosanova; aggression questionnaire by Buss - Perry, self-control questionnaire by Grasmic. It was found that the specialists of extreme profile were characterizes by higher rates of short-stopping behavior, psychomotor and communication tolerance and flexibility, psychomotor and intellectual speed, indexes of general activity and adaptability, extroversion, general level of self-regulation and the stages of self-regulation process, physical activity, physical assault , and lower rates of psychomotor, communicative and intellectual emotionality, state and personal anxiety, neuroticism, preferences for simple tasks and hostility. Based on the identified variable predictors associated with the length of service, 2 clusters were identified classifying the cases of high and low adaptability. The results of the analysis of significant differences in the selected clusters allowed determining significant adaptedness conditions. They are: higher indices of short-stopping behavior, psychomotor and communication tolerance, psychomotor, intellectual, communicative flexibility and physical activity speed. Less «adaptive» cluster was characterized by higher indices of psychomotor, intellectual, communicative emotionality, neuroticism, state and personal anxiety, and preferences of simple tasks. The predictive classification models of extreme profile specialists' adaptation were constructed. They included variable predictors: flexibility, communication tolerance, psychomotor, intellectual, communicative flexibility, psychomotor speed and total adaptability index.

About the authors

V Yu Rybnikov

Nikiforov Russian Center of Emergency and Radiation Medicine

A A Dubinsky

V. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

V G Bulygina

V. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre for Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

доктор психологических наук, доцент, руководитель Лаборатории психогигиены и психопрофилактики


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