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Contemporary dynamics of complex bioclimatic indices has been studied. Initial data was based on time series of few meteorological parameters for resort season (May - September) obtained as a result of daily monitoring on 19 Crimean stations during 2006-2014. For estimation of meteorological factors impact on human body radiative equivalent effective temperature (REET) and heat index (HI) were chosen. Dynamics of REET repetition (%) distribution by grades has shown, that on the whole peninsula territory number of cases of grade "less than comfort zone" was declining. Such dynamics is due to climatic changes manifested in air temperature growth. Grades "comfort zone" and "more than comfort zone" ate characterized by Crimean territory splitting on east and west zones with mixed tendencies. Grade "more than comfort zone" repetition for west part of peninsula is declining, and for east one - is increasing. Most favorable conditions for heliotherapy of patients with different forms of cardiovascular system diseases are evolving in resort period beginning - during May and June. Use of Steadman method for heat index evaluation allowed to estimate spatial-temporal distribution of this characteristics over Crimean peninsula territory. Formation of repetition (%) maximum of heat index in 4 p. m. in Crimea central part has been shown. In coastal zone the softening impact of Black sea is seen. In seasonal course repetition maximum of heat index is shifted to September. Distribution of heat index values by grades has shown, that the majority of cases (to 90 %) accounts grade 32-41 °C; all others - grade 41-54 °C. Dynamics of steady shifting of repetition to grade 32-41 °C was revealed.

About the authors

T E Danova

Marine Hydrophysical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

кандидат географических наук, доцент, научный сотрудник отдела взаимодействия атмосферы и океана Sevastopol

M P Nikiforova

V. I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University

Sevastopol, Russia


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