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Objective. The main goal of this article is to estimate an influence of thermal wave on population mortality of Krasnoyarsk city. Methods. The temperature waves' identification was carried out by method of long-term classification of mean daily temperature. To define relative mortality increase during thermal wave over background mortality a relative risk (RR) was revealed and calculated as maximum of RR values in different lags from 0 to maximal acceptable lags. Results. Daily mortality of Krasnoyarsk population has been studied for 10 years. The indices were divided into four age groups (0-17, 18-29, 30-64 and 65 years and older). Three groups that caused mortality have been marked: circulatory diseases, diseases of respiratory system and external causes. To assess the proportion of the population exposed to the influence of temperature waves a relative risk (RR or RR) was calculated. To compare the population mortality risk from thermal waves with other risks expectance of thermal waves' rising, death expectance during the thermal waves and the risk of mortality increase from thermal waves were calculated. Conclusions. The study results allow to state that the thermal waves (both heat and cold) have a greater negative effect on death from circulatory diseases in the age group 65+, with the risk magnitude from heat waves 4,4 ∙ 10-3 and from cold - 4,81 ∙ 10-3.

About the authors

D A Chernykh

Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Siberian Federal University


O V Taseiko

Institute of Computational Technologies of the Siberian of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Reshetnev Siberian State University of Science and Technology



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