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The results of factors evaluation of educational and production environment of cadets training at higher marine educational institutions are presented in the paper. It was determined that in the process of professional assimilation of the marine specialties the combination of training and production environment factors affected the cadets organisms, which required considerable stress of adaptation mechanisms of body balance control and could influence the morbidity of this cohort. The complex of leading factors that determined the health state of students of higher marine educational institutions included: microclimate, artificial lighting, noise, vibration, harmful chemical substances in the air of working zones, an increased level of mental stress. The students of all faculties are characterized by a high level of mental stress, which indicates the negative transformation of their emotional and autonomic processes that complicate adaptation to the training environment of marine profession. It is shown that microclimate instability and jet lag when vessels passing to the different climatic areas of the World Ocean exacerbate negative effect of marine environment factors on students health. In the structure of General morbidity of cadets diseases of the respiratory system (62 %); traumas, intoxication and some other consequences of external causes (18.4 %); the nervous system diseases (7.5 %) are dominated. Factors analysis of educational and production environment shows that the cadets health is an indicator of the synergistic negative factors of the training environment that are to be considered while organizing educational and production process and carrying out of preventive measures.

About the authors

P F Kiku

Far-Eastern Federal University; School of biomedical

Email: lme@list.ru
доктор медицинских наук, кандидат технических наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой общественного здоровья и профилактической медицины Vladivostok, Russia

I P Melnikova

Maritime State University Adm. G. I. Nevelskoy

Vladivostok, Russia

K M Sabirova

Far-Eastern Federal University; School of biomedical

Vladivostok, Russia


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