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The problem of road traffic injuries is one of the prioritized social, medical and technological problems all over the world. The timeliness of medical care provision is of great social and economic importance. In recent years, more attention is paid to the development and improvement of drug provision, which is essential in saving lives of victims in road accidents (road accidents). The aim of our study is the development of new approaches to needs identification and creation of balanced drugs list for provision emergency medical care to victims of road traffic accidents. Methods. A visualization framework, allowing to solve the task, is the development of an intellect card "Drug Provision of Victims in Road Traffic Accidents" which makes it possible to systematize and summarize the large content of research related to planning and identification of needs. As s result, the efficiency of financial resources disbursing increases, the time for the drugs systematization and the medical standards analysis reduces. The results. The intellect card consisting of four stages: the problem study of medical assistance organization to the victims of road traffic accidents, analysis of drugs efficient use in providing medical assistance, efficient choice of drugs, method development of requirement estimation in drugs and financial resources was created. Conclusions. The results of the intellect card creation pointed necessity and relevance of new drugs list formation, regulated drug provision to the victims of road traffic accidents. Organizational steps and work criteria with the standards of rendering emergency medical care, requirement estimation in necessary medications were proposed.

About the authors

O A Melnikova

Ural State Medical University

доктор фармацевтических наук, профессор кафедры Управления экономики и фармации

O V Kirshina

Ural State Medical University


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