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The aim of the study was to assess the primary morbidity and prevalence of diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems in the adult population living in the zone of influence of atmospheric emissions of multi-fuel thermal station. Metods: The study was carried out on the territory of Kirov, in the zone of influence of atmospheric emissions of urban heat and power plant. By means of cluster analysis in the fuel balance of thermal power plants 2 time periods differing on the ratio of fuel types in the fuel balance were allocated: the period from 2001 to 2008 (the share of solid fuel was 17-22 %) and the period from 2009 to 2015 - characterized by increase in the share of solid fuel in the fuel balance to 27-32 %. On the data basis of simulation of thermal station emission dispersion zonation of atmospheric emission influence from thermal station was carried out. Two districts (clusters) were pointed. They differ significantly on a level of a calculated ground level concentration of particulates, sulfur dioxide and carbonic oxide. In each pointed area and for each timeframe the analysis of primary disease incidence of circulatory and respiratory systems was carried out. Results: the increase in the share of solid fuel in the fuel balance is accompanied by an increase in the mass of dust emissions of fly ash, soot, sulfur dioxide and an increase in the level of primary morbidity and prevalence of diseases of the circulatory and respiratory systems in the population of residential areas directly adjacent to the sanitary protection zone of the multifuel thermal station and located in the direction of prevailing winds. Conclusion: management decisions on expansion of multi-fuel thermal power complexes and changes in the fuel balance must necessarily be accompanied by an assessment of the health risk of the population and measures to reduce risks to an acceptable level.

About the authors

S B Petrov

Kirov State Medical University

кандидат медицинских наук, доцент, заведующий кафедрой гигиены Kirov, Russia


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