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The study of the functional state of the human body, living in the North of Russia is of particular interest within the framework of theory of chaos-self-organization. The aim of the study was to find out peculiarities of heart rate variability to local hypothermia. Methods. The stochastic approach was used - calculation of statistical functions of distribution f(x) successively obtained by R-R intervals samples in one subject and group of subjects; matrices of paired comparison of R-R intervals samples were built and k number (pair number of statistical coincidence) derived from these matrices were compared. Results. The paper showed R-R intervals chaotic dynamics both in one person and in a group of persons (during multiply measurement of R-R intervals parameters) in a state of rest before and after local cooling. The statistical instability of successively obtained samples of R-R intervals upon reregistration both in one person and in a group of persons has been proved. It has been shown that a group of different persons was more statistically stable (k > 19) than one person in terms of 15 recordings of R-R intervals in permanent homeostasis (k< 12). f(x) functions without any impact on the person could demonstrate coincidences (for pairs of R-R intervals) not more than 10% of the total number of samples while calculating matrices of paired comparison samples obtained in an unchanged organism state of one subject. Conclusions. Matrices calculation of samples of paired comparison has shown that a hand cooling (as a stress effect) led to k number increase in matrices of comparison of R-R intervals. It was demonstrated that different subjects could be more statistically similar than one and the same subject in terms of n = 15 recordings of R-R intervals registration. Human body is not an object of a modern stochastic and a chaos theory. Tests repetitions are necessary as well as k calculations in matrices of samples of paired comparison of homeostasis parameters.

About the authors

V M Eskov

Surgut State University

доктор физико-математических наук, доктор биологических наук, профессор, зав. научно-исследовательской лабораторией биокибернетики и биофизики сложных систем Института естественных и технических наук Surgut, Russia

Yu V Bashkatova

Surgut State University

Surgut, Russia

D V Beloshchenko

Surgut State University

Surgut, Russia

L K Ilyashenko

Tyumen Industrial University

Surgut, Russia


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