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The aim of the work was to reveal the peculiarities of the complex influence of extreme climatic and harmful technology related factors on the state of chronic diseases of internal organs in the urbanized North on the example of Surgut city. Methods. A clinical analysis of the long-term appealability of 8 680 patients concerning chronic diseases recurrences was carried out simultaneously in two aspects - temporal (seasonal analysis) and spatial (territorial analysis). The state of the urban atmosphere was estimated by climatic parameters (air temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric oxygen weight, severity of weather) and the level of concentration of the most important chemical pollutants. In the course of the regional analysis of the residential area status the average annual emissions of the most significant harmful technology related factors (sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon oxide, vanadium oxide, benzapyrene) were studied. Results. The impact of the combination of negative climatic conditions and harmful industrial pollutants of the atmospheric air was stated. Their part in development of recrudescence progression of nosological entity turned out to be the most essential - cardiac angina: "atmospheric pressure + sulphur dioxide"; heart attack: "carbolic acid + nitrogen dioxide"; high blood pressure: "atmospheric pressure + carbolic acid + formaline"; chronic obstructive bronchitis: "cold + severity of weather + nitrogen dioxide + carbon oxide"; bronchial allergy: "cold + severity of weather + atmospheric pressure + formaline + nitric oxide + carbolic acid + nitrogen dioxide"; peptic ulcer: "nitrogen dioxide + carbolic acid + formaline + carbon oxide"; chronic pyelonephritis: "severity of weather + carbolic acid + formaline + nitrogen dioxide". Conclusions. The impact study of various extreme environmental factors of the northern urban areas on the health of the newcomers was the most complete when using a systemic approach that included simultaneously two main aspects: a temporal, that is, a seasonal study of the complex effect of climate and ecological pressing on the organism, and a spatial - differential analysis of the negative impact of technology related load of contaminated residential areas.

About the authors

V A Karpin

Surgut State University

доктор медицинских наук, доктор философских наук, профессор, заведующий кафедрой факультетской терапии Surgut

A B Gudkov

Northern State Universityk; Northern (Arctic) Federal University

Arkhangelsk, Russia

O I Shuvalova

Surgut State University



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