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Effects of sudden changes in temperature on the general state of functional systems of the body can be assessed by the effects of local cold expesure on the neuromuscular system. Aim: to study electromyograms of the retracting muscle flexor of the little finger with weak static muscle tension (F1 = 50 N) during cold exposure. Methods. Altogether, 15 men aged 20-27 years participated in the study. We used one of the stochastic methods in the form of calculation of matrices of paired comparisons of electromyogram samples as an indicator of k pairs of matches of samples. Matrices of paired comparisons of samples were calculated for each test subject at a static voltage F1 = 50 N before and after local cold exposure. At the same time built a quasi-attractor dynamics, the behavior of x(t) and determined area of the quasi-attractor. In the end, the analysis of the state of the muscles of the subjects in the development of static force F was carried out on the basis of a comparison of the area of quasi-attractors in the form of S. Results. With weak (F1 = 50 N) static force after cold exposure, the area of quasi-attractor increased by 2.5 times, while in the matrices of paired comparisons of samples after local cold exposure, the number of matches of pairs of samples increased from 8 to 14. Conclusion: the regularities of changes in the number of matches of pairs of samples k in the matrices of paired comparisons with changes in the static force and under the influence of local cold exposure were revealed; statistically significant differences were found for such samples k and S before and after hypothermia.

About the authors

O E Filatova

Surgut State University Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area

SPIN-code: 9053-6185

D K Berestin

Surgut State University Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area

SPIN-code: 8494-9376
кандидат физико-математических наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории «Функциональных систем организма человека на Севере» института естественных и технических наук

L K Ilyashenko

Tyumen Industrial University, Surgut Branch

SPIN-code: 6071-4770

Yu V Bashkatova

Surgut State University Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Area

SPIN-code: 8991-6566


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