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The identification of causation and incidence between the impact of environmental factors and changes in the human adaptive potential is one of the urgent tasks of ecological and biological monitoring. The aim: a comparative assessment of the state activity of functional systems, imbalance and the nature of adaptation reactions of the body in foreign students, students from Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). Methods. The activity of the functional systems and the imbalance were determined by the method of electropuncture diagnostics (EPD) according to Y. Nakatani. 180 men-students (aged 18-22) of PFUR from Russia, CIS, Southeast Asia, Middle East, Latin America and Africa were examined (30 people in each group). The nature of the adaptive reactions of the body was evaluated in 916 students by the method of L.H. Garkavi et al. To determine the adaptation reactions, 200 peripheral blood cells were analyzed. Results. It was found that the lower the average current and the higher the degree of imbalance in EPD in foreign students from different climatic and geographical zones, the more the percentage of unfavorable adaptation reactions is noted - correlation coefficients r = -0.9048 and r = +0.8989, respectively. Unfavorable adaptation reactions - acute stress, chronic stress and reaction of re-activation (AS, ChS, REA), to a greater degree reaction of extra activation, were more often observed in students from Africa and Latin America. Conclusions. The change in climatic, ecological, chronobiological and social conditions in foreign students is accompanied by a significant decrease in the energy potential, expressed by an imbalance in the activity of the body's functional systems and, accordingly, to a greater extent, by manifestations of adverse adaptive reactions-stress and reaction of re-activation. Revealing the dependence in change of climatic-ecological and social living conditions with a reliable deterioration in the indicators of the functional state of young people most clearly indicates the need for a purposeful correction of the adaptation potential in foreign students coming to study in the Moscow megapolis.

About the authors

A A Kirichuk

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia


I V Radysh

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

доктор медицинских наук, профессор, зав. кафедрой управления сестринской деятельностью Медицинского института Moscow

A Ya Chizhov

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia



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