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Objective. To assess changes in the prevalence of different somatotypes among schoolchildren in an urban Belarusian area. Methods. Somatometric examinations were performed among schoolchildren in a city of Gomel, Belarus, during 2010-2012 (287 boys and 269 girls) and the findings were compared to the results of a similar study performed in 1998-1999 (383 boys and 414 girls). The identification of somatotypes was performed according to a new quantitative method. Changes in the prevalence of different somatotypes were studied by comparisons of proportions calculated for the two time points. Results. Boys examined in 2010-2012 in comparison with the peers examined in 1998-1999 at the end of puberty have a statistically significant increase in their number with a mezosomic type due to a significant decrease in number of those who belong to mezoleptosomic somatotype (р = 0,001). Over a decade significant changes in the frequency rates of somatotypes among girls were found in the 17-old age group who revealed a statistically significant increase of the number of the school girls examined in 2010-2012 with mezosomic (р = 0,004), as well as mezohypersonic (р = 0,004) types and a decrease in those with leptosomic (р = 0,040) one in comparison with their peers examined at the end of the 20th century. Conclusion. We observed an increase in the occurrence of mesosomal somatotype among schoolchildren of both sexes due to a decrease in the number of those belonging to leptosomal types. Significant changes in the frequency of occurrence of different somatotypes were more often detected among boys suggesting greater degree of influence of changing external factors on their bodies compared to girls.

About the authors

V A Melnik

Gomel State Medical University

Email: melnik76@tut.by
кандидат биологических наук, доцент, декан факультета по подготовке специалистов для зарубежных стран, доцент кафедры нормальной физиологии Gomel, Belarus


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