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The aim was to study effects of radioactive contamination of a territory on human adaptive mechanisms with special emphasis on cardiovascular risk factors. The adaptive reactions of the human body as a result of long radiation exposure were studied by analyzing heart rate variability and blood pressure. Methods: A sample consisted of 944 residents of the Urals region. Of them, 223 lived in the Techa River basin, into which liquid radioactive waste materials were released, 587 lived in the zone of the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT), and 134 residents lived in a non-polluted area. Short electrocardiograms (100 R-R intervals) were recorded. Continuous data were analyzed using Scheffe test two-way analysis of variance. Proportions were analyzed using tests assuming binomial distribution. Results: Heart rate variability and blood pressure were chosen as indicators of adaptive reactions of the human body. Substantial proportion of the population living in radioactive contaminated areas is in the state of the stress, as expressed by the deviation from the normal values of SI (at 52.2 % of the sample), SDNN (at 58.1 % of the sample), and from the normal values of VBI (at 42.7 % of the sample). Mean values of SI among residents of the Techa River basin were significantly different from the corresponding values among study participants from other territories. Conclusions: We observed significant effect of radioactive pollution on the state of adaptation mechanisms of the Urals region population. It is shown that regulatory system is in stress at significant part of population living in radioactive contaminated territories.

About the authors

E D Konstantinova

Institute of Industrial Ecology of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

кандидат медицинских наук, старший научный сотрудник лаборатории математического моделирования в экологии и медицине Ekaterinburg, Russia

T A Maslakova

Institute of Industrial Ecology of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Ekaterinburg, Russia

Yu V Shalaumova

Institute of Industrial Ecology of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Ekaterinburg, Russia

A N Varaksin

Institute of Industrial Ecology of Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Ekaterinburg, Russia

A A Zhivoderov

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin

Ekaterinburg, Russia


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