Algorithm for diagnosing bronchial asthma in citizens of military age.




Despite the presence of various international and Russian documents regulating the diagnosis of bronchial asthma, in everyday practice, doctors are constantey face a significant problem when confirming or excluding this disease in people of military age during their medical examination. This is due to the peculiarity of the natural course of the disease in military age: frequent long-term remissions, the predominance of mild or asymptomatic, normal indicators of respiratory function in the remission phase. It was necessary to revise the algorithm for diagnosing asthma in this category of persons in order to avoid making the wrong expert decisions. It has been taken into account that service in the army, with increased physical and emotional loads, exposure to various adverse environmental conditions can be a factor in both debut and exacerbation of the disease. Attention is drawn to the need for an integrated approach in conducting a survey before making a decision on the final rendering of a medical opinion. At the same time, a specific allergological examination, evaluation of spirographic studies, testing aimed at confirming the preserved bronchial hyperreactivity, and in controversial cases, inhalation tests with a clinically significant allergen are mandatory.


Yu Zakrevskii

Медицинская служба Северного флота

доктор медицинских наук, полковник медицинской службы г. Североморск, Мурманская область

D Arkhangelskii

1469-й Военно-морской клинический госпиталь

подполковник медицинской службы г. Североморск, Мурманская область

D Balakhnov

1469-й Военно-морской клинический госпиталь

подполковник медицинской службы г. Североморск, Мурманская область

P Lemeshko

1469-й Военно-морской клинический госпиталь

подполковник медицинской службы г. Североморск, Мурманская область


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版权所有 © Zakrevskii Y.N., Arkhangelskii D.A., Balakhnov D.O., Lemeshko P.N., 2019

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