


Surgical treatment of patients with ventral hernias remains an urgent problem in abdominal surgery. More than 20 million operations are performed annually in the world for hernias. The urgency and complexity of the problem is based on the fact that inadequately performed surgery leads to a recurrence of the disease in 14-54% of cases. The aim of the work is to study the results of surgical treatment of patients with ventral hernias using mesh endoprostheses. The results of a retrospective analysis of 437 hernioplasty performed with hernias of various localizations for the period from 2010 to 2014 were used. Patients were classified by hernia localization and divided into groups depending on the methods of alloplasty. The duration of observation of patients operated by using polypropylene mesh ranged from 6 month to 3 years. An analysis of the complications that developed after alloplasty of the inguinal, postoperative, umbilical hernias and hernias of the linea alba was carried out. Our clinical experience confirms that the operation of Liechtenstein is rightly considered to be the “gold standart” for the treatment of inguinal hernias. However, the use of polypropylene mesh in the treatment of inguinal hernias leads to the development of postsurgical wound complications. Placed next to the polypropylene mesh peritoneum flap plays the role of internal drainage, prevents the development of seromas in the wound. The use of a new inguinal alloplasty technique reduced the number of postoperative complications. Also, the best immediate and long-term results are obtained by alloplasty using a sublay method. In patients with postoperative hernias operated by sublay method, no recurrences were observed and they showed the best quality of life.


V Ragimov

Azerbaijan Medical University

Bakikhanov Street 23, Baku, Azerbaijan

Sh Ragimli

Azerbaijan Medical University

Bakikhanov Street 23, Baku, Azerbaijan


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