


The effect of the 20 coded amino acids was investigated on the development of the processes of the proliferation in the organotypic tissue culture of rat skin and brain cortex. Some amino acids at 0.05 ng/ml concentration stimulated the cellular proliferation in the growth zone of explants. The other inhibited it. The combination of the stimulating and inhibiting amino acids - Leucine with Proline or Tyrosine-, lead to the proliferation stimulation by 24-32%. The mustard-like agent cyclophosphane at 1 mg/ml concentration inhibited the cellular proliferation. However, the delay of this inhibiting effect of cyclophosphane was observed by the using of combination of amino acids with cyclophosphane. Thus, the amino acids can be protectors of the cellular proliferation by the toxic effect of the cyclophosphane on the tissues of the ectodermal genesis. This effect can be used for the treatment of the mustard injury of skin, brain cortex and for the delay of the adverse effect of cytostatic in oncology


N Chalisova

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry, Saint Petersburg, Russia; I. P. Pavlov Institute of physiology, Saint Petersburg

A Korovin

S. M. Kirov Military Medical Academy the Russian Defense Ministry, Saint Petersburg, Russia


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