In memory of Professor G.A. Albrecht the founder of domestic prosthetics in orthopedics (on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of his birth)




The main scientific and practical milestones of the founder of the Russian prosthetics in orthopedics of Professor Herman Aleksandrovich Albrecht are covered. November 20, 1907 after the public defense of the thesis on the topic: «Pathology and therapy of lateral knee bends» GA. Albrecht was awarded the Conference of the Academy of Doctor of Medicine degree. After public defence of a thesis on the theme: «pathology and treatment of lateral curvature of the knee». One after another began to appear in print: «the question of fluoroscopy and radiography gunshot injury», «traumatic separation of the lower epiphysis of the radius», «Appetizers as a method for the treatment of genu valgum», «Pathology and treatment of hallux valgus», «the technique of treatment of coxitis tuberculosis», «Isolated fracture of the trochleae humeri with a bloody reduction method, the technique of treatment of pseudoarthrosis autoplastic way». German Alexandrovich considered the prosthesis as a special area of medicine and technology that have important national economic significance. The primary means of training was surgery. In addition, in medical institutions was to be made, fitting, final fitting of prosthetic devices and training in their use patients. Also provides a broad familiarization of surgeons with the essential requirements of the prosthesis. In 1916 G.A. Albrecht put forward a plan to create a state system for the reorganization of prosthetic aid for war invalids, which provided for free prosthetics and preparation for it in medical institutions, the creation of a network of prosthetic workshops, the scientific development of new prosthetic devices and the training of special personnel. These progressive ideas were implemented only in 1919. At his request the Mariinsky shelter was renamed the Institute of Prosthetics, and since 1922 the institute opened its own prosthetic-assembly workshop. In 1928, the opening of a 30-bed medical-prosthetic hospital was opened in the Institute in addition to a 50-bed dormitory intended for waiting prostheses. In this way organized a uniform system of preparation for prosthetics, supply of prostheses and learning to use them in a special institution, which has for this purpose the necessary medical and technical personnel and equipment. German Alexandrovich was a highly qualified physician, research worker and teacher is not unusual for the time, however, harmonically the current profile. After 10 years in the clinic of Professor G.I. Turner, he acquired a comprehensive knowledge of orthopedics, which formed the basis for his later activities. Having a brilliant operative technique, Albrecht has developed its own methods of arthrodesis of the ankle and knee joints, modification kinaesthesia operations on stumps of the upper arm and forearm, as well as highly desirable variation of talangsari the first metacarpal and the splitting of the stump of the forearm by Krukenberg.


T Morgoshiya

Санкт-Петербургский государственный педиатрический медицинский университет


V Apchel

Военно-медицинская академия им. С.М. Кирова; Российский государственный педагогический университет им. А.И. Герцена



  1. Альбрехт, Г.А. Методы автора коленного и голеностопного артродезов / Г.А. Альбрехт // Нов. хир. - 1926. - Т. 2, № 1. - С. 26-29.
  2. Альбрехт, Г.А. Активные верхние конечности, рабочие при- способления и их значение в связи с приспособляемостью ампутированных увечных / Г.А. Альбрехт // Журн. совр. хир. - 1927. - Т. 2, вып. 1. - С. 147-151.
  3. Грекова, Т.И. Медицинский Петербург: очерки, адресованные врачам и их пациентам / Т.И. Грекова, Ю.П. Голиков. - СПб.: Фолио-пресс. - 2001. - 416 с.
  4. Копылов, Ф.А. Памяти Г.А. Альбрехта / Ф.А. Копылов // Орто- педия и травматология. - 1958. - № 6. - С. 68-74.
  5. Самойлов, В.О. История российской медицины / В.О. Самой- лов. - М.: Эпидавр, 1997. - 200 с.

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