Clinical significance of variant anatomy of the celiac trunk




Data on variant anatomy of the celiac trunk, typical and atypical variants of its architectonics, topography, existing classifications, morphometric characteristics, development of the vessels of abdominal aorta in embryogenesis and the clinical significance of anatomical features is presented. The issues under consideration are important for surgical practice, in particular, for abdominal surgery, transplantology, interventional X-ray endovascular surgery and oncosurgery. It is shown that the anatomy of the celiac trunk and its branches have a pronounced variability, and more than 15% of the population have significant deviations from the typical branching variant. A significant number of different variants of the celiac trunk dividing, a different frequency of occurrence of these variants, morphometric indices, apparently depends on the size of the sample of the investigated objects, gender and other reasons. Data on the development of branches of the abdominal aorta in embryogenesis and the causes of atypical variants is presented. In a comparative aspect, existing classifications of the most authoritative authors are considered. It is shown that, despite the large number, there is no universal, simplest in practice, classification of variants of the celiac trunk branching. Nosological examples that demonstrate the need to take into account the variant of formation of the celiac trunk and its morphometric features in operative and diagnostic manipulations on the organs and vessels of the upper floor of the peritoneal cavity are analyzed. Certainly without understanding the architectonics of the gastrosplenicpancreatoduodenal zone arteries, there is a significant risk of error, which can even lead to lethal complications.


I Gaivoronsky

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет


B Kotiv

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова


N Kovalenko

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова


Yu Pelipas

Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии имени Н.Н. Петрова


Sh Bahovadinova

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова


I Amelina

Национальный медицинский исследовательский центр онкологии имени Н.Н. Петрова


A Kudryavtseva

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова


I Dzidzava

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова


V Verbitsky

Военно-медицинская академия имени С.М. Кирова



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版权所有 © Gaivoronsky I.V., Kotiv B.N., Kovalenko N.A., Pelipas Y.V., Bahovadinova S.B., Amelina I.D., Kudryavtseva A.V., Dzidzava I.I., Verbitsky V.V., 2018

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